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Look whats coming up

These are some of the exciting things we've got planned over the summer. If you are not a member and want to come along go to the contact us page.  

Meetings at Billingley Village Hall commence at 7:30 pm, but we generally start to gather at 7:00  and finish around 9:00 pm.

a powerpoint presentation to a seated audience of photgraphers.jpg

Guest Speaker

Some guest speakers are being lined up but we've also got our own members photographic interests, skills and journeys to share

City Traffic

Night time photography

Its dark nights so lets make the most of what the dark nights offer as we go an a practical phot shoot around the lcoal areas

a powerpoint presentation to a seated audience of photgraphers.jpg

All Hallows special

A reflection of the community work done by members of DVCC in supporting Darfield All Saints Church

an english village wiht a group of peopl

Practical Sessions

layflat, backlit and milk bath photography is jsut one of the practical sessions we've got planned

a  balloon being burst by a jet of water

Black and White

Learn about the joys of black and white photogrpahy, then the following week share your best work

a studio with male and lights and photog

Portraits and Still life

The body builders.
another practical night, this time dramatic portraits as local body builders are our subjects

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