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The YPU entry for 2024 is open for entries from 30th November

Extract from YPU General Rules

  • Author should not enter images that are substantially the same in both Print and PDI categories.

  • Any entries Accepted in any previous YPU Annual Exhibition should not be re-entered in any other form,

  • e.g., colour & mono, print or projected digital image. Like or similar images from the same original capture may not be used.

  • Entrants must own the copyright of the work submitted. Composite images are permitted provided allcomponent images meet this requirement. The use of copyright-free images is not allowed. The entry must be entirely the work of the photographer.

  •  Image size for all uploads is a maximum 1600 pixels wide and not more than 1200 pixels high.  

  • The colour space should be sRGB and the file format should be “Baseline (standard)” NOT ‘Progressive” jpg.

  • The file size should be no greater than 1.9Mb. If an image is rejected by the software, consider cropping or reducing the jpg file quality very slightly

Don't forget to upload your submission form to accompany your images

Don't forget to let the club's treasurer have your entry fees

The closing date is final


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